gaytime ice cream petition

Petition calls to rename ‘offensive’ Golden Gaytime ice cream

An Australian man has launched a campaign to change the name of the iconic Golden Gaytime ice cream.

The name of the Streets product, launched over 60 years ago, is now outdated and offensive, according to Melbourne gay man Brian Mc.

“What does its name mean today? With the modern definition of gay, a homosexual person,” said Mc. 

“Would this product now be called Golden Homosexual-time? 

“As a person who identifies as a gay man, I would be offended.”

Mc told Pink Advocate that he has not previously engaged in activism but felt someone should draw attention to the matter.

He has started an online petition calling for the Golden Gaytime to be rebranded, which has so far drawn dozens of supporters.  

“I feel it’s easy for bigger topics like race or gender to grab the headlines, but I feel it’s time that sexual identity becomes a larger issue than what it might be today,” said Mc.

“I just wish a well-known, historical brand like Golden Gaytime would update themselves without a need for a public campaign.”

Mc compared the name to numerous snack products that have recently been rebranded to remove racial slurs.

Streets has seemingly leaned into the camp name of its product since the 1980s, using the advertising line “It’s hard to have a Gaytime on your own”.

In New Zealand, the vanilla and toffee ice cream is known instead as Cookie Crumble.

The popular ice cream has also been reimagined, including in recent years as the Rainbow Gaytime and Golden Gaynetto, as well as in a large tub due to popular demand.

In 2018, the brand was caught up in homophobic sentiment in Indonesia, where some social media users threatened to boycott the brand over its rainbow pride edition ice cream ­– although the product has never been available in Indonesia.

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